On Your Marks, Get Set, FRINGE!
It’s that time of year again: the KC Fringe Festival. This will be my fourth year as a Fringe reviewer, and I am gearing up for this upcoming 10 days.
As I wrote in my last post, Fringe is a time of massive reviews on my end. My first year of partnering with Fringe, in 2006, I did 12 shows in 3 days. You can read my experiences in my three-part article “270 Minutes of Show” in the September 2006 KC Stage, written under my then-pseudonym TheatreDiva. I reviewed 10 shows in 2007, and 5 last summer.
This year, my schedule is below. Count ’em up, and that’s 22 shows I plan on seeing and reviewing (and an additional visual artist presentation I also want to catch).
If you’re a regular reader of my blog, things should be back to normal come August 1 — just in time for me to start plugging this year’s Free Night of Theater program.
My schedule, for anyone who’s interested:
Friday, July 22:
- 6:30 pm: Hexing Hitler @ Off Center Theatre (Crown Center)
- 8:00 pm: How the West was Warped @ Off Center Theatre (Crown Center)
- 9:30 pm: Rubble @ the Fishtank (1715 Wyandotte)
Saturday, July 23:
- 6:00 pm: No Gender Left Behind @ Loft 122 (122 Southwest Blvd)
- 7:30 pm: Holy Cow Improv @ Vulcan’s Forge (3937 Washington)
- 9:00 pm: Helios Fire Tribe @ Union Station (parking lot)
- 10:30 pm: Late Night with Skip & Dave @ Fringe Central (1730 Broadway)
Sunday, July 24:
- 1:30 pm: Shakespeare in Love & War @ Loft 122 (122 Southwest Blvd)
- 3:30 pm: Camelot is Crumbling @ The Fishtank (1715 Wyandotte)
- 5:00 pm: The Rocky and Bullwinkle Horror Picture Show Parody @ Off Center Theatre (Crown Center)
- 6:00 pm: visual artist: Iron Artist competition @ The Wine Gallery (1919 McGee)
Monday, July 25:
- 6:30 pm: Hamlet vs. Zombies @ Union Station (30 W Persing Rd)
Tuesday, July 26:
- 6:30 pm: Jesus, Shakespeare, and Lincoln Walk into a Bar @ Unicorn main stage (3828 Main St)
- 8:00 pm: Most Extreme Ocean Adventure @ Unicorn main stage (3828 Main St)
Wednesday, July 27:
- taking off (KC Stage — nor reviewing — is not my full time job)
Thursday, July 28:
- 7:00 pm: The Flock! @ The Living Room (1818 McGee)
Friday, July 29:
- 6:00 pm (if time): Scientist Turned Comedian @ Unicorn Jerome stage (3828 Main St)
- 7:30 pm: Bottoms Up Sketch Comedy Show @ Unicorn Jerome stage (3828 Main St)
- 9:00 pm: Mister Gremory’s Cabinet of Curiosities @ Unicorn Jerome stage (3828 Main St)
- 10:30 pm: Jet Propulsion @ Unicorn Jerome stage (3828 Main St)
Saturday, July 30:
- 6:00 pm: I Love You, (We’re F*#ked) @MET (3614 Main St)
- 7:30 pm: Tordu Vol: A Twisted Tale of Flight @ Fringe Central (1730 Broadway)
- 9:00 pm: Rhythmic Flames @ Union Station (parking lot)
- 10:30 pm: Cirque du Gay — Exposed @ Vulcan’s Forge (3937 Washington)
More information about these shows can be found at the KC Fringe Festival’s website.
A reminder that anyone can rate and review shows (free registration required), and for every Fringe review you post, you get entered into a contest for various goodies such as free subscriptions, t-shirts, and tickets to various performing arts productions.
That’s right: every Fringe show you review on the fringe.kcstage.com will get you entered into a drawing for various prizes. So, tell us what you thought.
The freebies continue, as current (and future) audition, performance, and event information listed on the KC Stage website – usually only accessible to paid subscribers of the print magazine — will be available for free to anyone going to www.kcstage.com during July 17 to August 7. And if you subscribe online during that time using the coupon code Fringe2011, you can get a 25% discount off a 1 year subscription (only valid for new subscribers).
See the 7th annual KC Fringe Festival, and share your thoughts today.