Category: review
Film Review: Mything ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’
The world of “Star Wars” is all about myth, and “The Force Awakens” continues that trend.
Theatre Review: Alternate Dimension Musical
How much of your life is based off one decision?
Film Review: All the Feels
Pixar gives us all the feels in their story about our emotions.
TV Recap: ‘Ash Vs Evil Dead’: So Wrong it’s Right
The pilot episode of ‘Ash Vv Evil Dead’ is the perfect combination of nostalgia and gorn, making it just bad enough to be good.
Performance Art Review: Scaring People Straight
This performance piece takes down LGBT stereotypes and throws in a bit of history at the same time.
Cinecast Review: ‘It Reserved Some Quantity of Choice’
The production of “Hamlet” is all about choice.
Film Review: ‘Narcopolis’: Not Quite the High
This time travel drama has potential, but is ultimately nothing we haven’t seen in the past.
Film Review: ‘AIR’: Caught Between Breaths
While the premise of “AIR” relies on the concept of breathable air being an issue with the future of humanity on the table, when it all comes down to it, the movie is the horror genre version of “The Odd Couple”.
Film Review: ‘Star Trek: Renegades’ – Not So Rebellious
This Kickstarted television pilot leaves a lot to be desired to consider itself ‘Star Trek’.
Theatre Review: Second Time Round Just as Good: Sci-Fest 2015
Five genre shows – two adaptations, three original – are showcased in this year’s Sci-Fest LA.