Category: review
Theatre Review: ‘Crazy is Underrated’
The great thing about “The Addams Family” was that it embraced its weirdness. This doesn’t quite go weird enough.
Theatre Review: The Road to Hell…
The ’50s musical version of the deal with the devil comes to Kansas City.
Theatre Review: It’s All About Suspension of Disbelief
What may have been a brilliant performance is constantly held back by too many cracks in the wall.
Theatre Review: A Dance of Woe
Shakespeare’s “Romeo & Juliet” portrays the tragedy in a glorious way.
Theatre Review: Q is for Quirky
This delightfully adult musical takes on becoming an adult.
Theatre Review: Why So Sirius?
This radio-based sketch show tickles more than the proverbial funny bone.
Theatre Review: Pure Americana
Mark Twain as a ballet – it works better than I expected.
Podcast Review: The Reduced Shakespeare Company
Whether you like Shakespeare or not, if you are a theatre nerd, you’ll love the podcast from the OTHER RSC.
Theatre Review: Family Matters
You can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your family.
Theatre Review: “What Do You See?”
This play, like modern art itself, needs a bit of work for me to get.