Category: review
Theatre Review: Too Professional a Production
This ‘reduced’ production of Hitchcock’s movie of the same name doesn’t quite live up to the concept.
Theatre Review: A ‘Moving’ Experience
Kansas City Ballet puts on a trio of modern dances for their last production in the Lyric.
Theatre Review: “I Don’t Have to Explain My Art to You”
This new play is a bit of a delicacy that probably needs to be baked a bit longer.
Theatre Review: A Well-Rounded Show
This production of “Cabaret” definitely is relevant to today’s political situation.
Theatre Review: “There Are No Happy Endings in Real Life”
This is the type of production that I can’t say I enjoyed, but that doesn’t mean it’s not brilliant.
Theatre Review: A Product of its Time
“Giselle” may have been great once, but has too much history behind it.
Theatre Review: Every Opera Needs Ron Megee and Debra Bluford
For my first ‘live’ opera, “Daughter of the Regiment” is a hilarious start.
Book Review: Not Quite the Handbook
This is a very basic handbook, for better or for worse.
Theatre Review: ‘I Don’t Know What Kind of Person I Am.’
Like someone exploring their sexuality, the Unicorn’s “In the Next Room” seems to not quite know what it is.
Theatre Review: ‘I Don’t Want a Surprise Party, Because I Wouldn’t Be Prepared by That’ — Clay Aikin
This hilarious staged readings of various celebrity autobiographies is a bit long, but worth it.