Category: review
Theatre Review: ‘If You Want to See the Girl Next Door, Then Go Next Door, Dammit!’
This intentional train wreck is not your average holiday show – and that’s exactly why it’s excellent.
Theatre Review: A Mixed Bag of Offerings
As is typically case when you have an evening of multiple playwrights, there are some good and not so good in the third play festival from The Barn Players.
Theatre Review: It’s Like Watching a Reindeer Meltdown
This play takes the Christmas holiday and tells it where to go.
Theatre Review: My Love/Hate Relationship With ‘Rent’
I’m very bi-polar when it comes to the musical “Rent”. The Barn Players’ production of it let me expand on that.
Theatre Review: Their Heart Was in the Right Place
This twist on the classic “Christmas Carol” has potential.
Theatre Review: ‘That Was My BOOMSTICK!’
Just like the movies it’s based on, “Evil Dead” is campy fun.
Theatre Review: ‘That Was Olivia Newton-John, You Bitch!’
Settle in for a night of intentionally bad special effects and scream queen tropes.
Cinecast Review: Worth Every Dollar — A Love Letter to Prairie Home Companion
Surprisingly, I’ve always loved “Prairie Home Companion”. This cinecast got up close and personal.
Book Review: Web 2.0 For Nonprofits
Idealware’s “Nonprofit Social Media Decision Guide” is a great resource if you or our organization is trying to decide how to enter the social media landscape.
Book Review: Too Basic of a Direction
“Stage Directing: The First Experiences” is a bit too basic of an introduction to directing.