G33K Out: Marsia Powers and WhedonCon
Episode 43: Marsia Powers and WhedonCon
I first heard about what is known as WhedonCon back in 2016, when I wrote an article for SciFi4Me about it changing its name. It, like GallifreyOne, is a Los Angeles-based con that I first heard about once I moved here.
Since that initial article, I’d kept my eye on it and started seeing posts from one of the people who run it in some of my other geeky groups. Marsia Powers is a Los Angeles real estate agent by day, Whedon fan by … well, by all free time? She not only helps manage the con, but she also helps run the fan sites Whedonopolis and Fandomopolis, which you may have noticed I’ve written for occasionally in the past year.
I sat down with Marsia and talked about Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, Joss Whedon, being a fan, and WhedonCon.

Basic show notes:
- Running time is 41 minutes.
- The interview was recorded on April 27, 2019. We discussed:
- Felicia Day’s The Guild;
- the geek news sites Whedonopolis and Fandomopolis;
- my author page on Fandomopolis, as well as those articles on my website;
- WhedonCon;
- their Twitter;
- their Instagram;
- their primary Facebook page; and the Facebook event page for this year’s.
- The mid-show plug is from fangirl Hansi Oppenheimer, who I interviewed in episode 37.
- In this episode, “Angie Geeks Out” about the web text-based game Fallen London.
- Theme music is “Schoolyard Haze”, by Jari Pitkanen, available via the Free Music Archive.
- This podcast is released under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike License.
- Interested in hearing other episodes of G33K Out? Check them out here.
And now, it’s time to geek out.