Podcast Transcripts

In the goal of being more accessible (and to be honest, SEO friendly), I have started the process of getting transcripts for my podcasts. Also, since the goal IS to increase accessibility, there are no images on the transcript pages — just text.
These were lovingly transcribed by Ashley Steves (check out her website here) with the goal to be as exact in the transcription as possible.
- Transcript Episode 1: Travis Richey
- Transcript Episode 2: Interview with Mike Nelson
- Transcript Episode 3: Comikaze 2014 — Interview with Cracked’s Dan O’Brien
- Transcript Episode 4: Comikaze 2014 — Huston Huddleston & Hollywood Sci-Fi Museum
- Transcript Episode 5: Comikaze 2014 — Interview with Russell and R2 Builders Club
- Transcript Episode 6: Comikaze 2014 — ‘Nobility’ interviews — Torri Higginson, Miracle Laurie, & Neil Johnson
- Transcript Episode 7: Comikaze 2014 — More Interview with Miracle Laurie
- Transcript Episode 8: Comikaze 2014 — “Cosplay Dreams 3D” Interview