Sense8 Finale Red Carpet Sad But Hopeful For Cast
{Header image by Blair Raughley/Invision, used courtesy Netflix/AP Images.}
Today, the season finale of Sense8 hits Netflix. While initially cancelled after its second season on June 1, 2017, the fan reaction was so great that on June 29, they announced that there would be a two-hour series finale to wrap up the show.
If you’re not familiar with the show, Sense8 is an hour-long drama created by Lana and Lilly Wachowski and J. Michael Straczynski. The show followed a multinational and diverse cast of eight strangers around the world who suddenly become ‘sensates’: people who are mentally and emotionally linked with each other. Filmed almost entirely on location in the various cities, the show garnered much critical praise for its exploration of politics, identity, religion, sexuality, and gender.
Much of the cast was on the red carpet for the series finale, and there was a sense of both sadness and hope among them.
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