Tag: drama
Theatre Review: Having a Gay Old Time
We see the relationships of several gay friends in reverse time.
Theatre Review: An A-Maze-ing Show
What path do you take through life?
Theatre Review: All the (LA) World’s a Stage
Locations move in this short piece in this year’s Radar L.A. Festival.
Film Review: [Redacted] Truth
Is “The Fifth Estate” the story of Julian Assange or what the media has told you about Assange?
Film Review: ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ Should be Banned from Christmas Viewing
“It’s a Wonderful Life” is not a movie to watch at Christmas, let alone any other time.
Theatre Review: ‘It’s as if the Entire World Were Mesmerized by Penis and Vagina.’
Don’t worry: this production doesn’t hold back on the mature material contained within.
Theatre Review: The Greatest Stories are Re-Told
This musical take on “The Canterbury Tales” gives the text a fresh breath of air.
Theatre Review: More Serious Than I Was Expecting
Zombie opera, with both angst and humor.
Theatre Review: The Road to Hell…
The ’50s musical version of the deal with the devil comes to Kansas City.
Theatre Review: A Dance of Woe
Shakespeare’s “Romeo & Juliet” portrays the tragedy in a glorious way.