Tag: feminism
TV Review: ‘The Good Place’ Gives You the Good Shirt
Getting into heaven has never been quite so amusing.
Fat Positive Cosplay: Meet TaLynn Kel
I talked with TaLynn Kel about body positivity in the cosplay community.
An Open Letter to Stephen Colbert
Dear Stephen. Remember what it’s like to be a fan the next time you bring up fan-related items, please.
Author Sheri S. Tepper, Dead at 87
Science fiction author Sheri S. Tepper has passed away at the age of 87.
Who You Gonna Call? SciFi4Chicks Takes On ‘Ghostbusters’
I joined in on the latest SciFi4Chicks podcast, wherein we discussed (and I raved about) the “Ghostbusters” reboot.
TV Recap: ‘Houdini & Doyle’ Reincarnates the Suffragette Movement
The second episode of ‘Houdini and Doyle’ deals with the rights of women.
Dark Horse to Publish ‘The Secret Loves of Geek Girls’
The Kickstarter project The Secret Loves of Geek Girls – having raised over $120,000 of its original $37,000 goal – has now found a home at Dark Horse Comics.
SciFi4Chicks Gives Thanks for Women of Genre
I joined in with the SciFi4Chicks discussion on women in genre we are thankful for.
Performance Art Review: Scaring People Straight
This performance piece takes down LGBT stereotypes and throws in a bit of history at the same time.
Cyndi Lauper Is So Unusual
Cyndi Lauper is proud to be unusual. It’s right there in the spelling of her first name, as well as the fact that her first debut album is actually titled She’s So Unusual.