Tag: review
Film Review: “I’ve Got the Harbinger on Line 2?”
This horror film takes all the tropes and twists them into something new.
Film Review: The Wrong Type of Legacy
The long-awaited sequel does not make it worth the wait.
Film Review: ‘On Stranger Tides’ Not Strange Enough
What I loved about the previous “Pirates of the Caribbean” movies was sadly not very present in this outing.
Film Review: They Should’ve Sent a Poet
“Gravity” was sheer poetry.
TV Review: Are We Men or Monsters?
This chilling drama follows the first global television documentary, the trial of Adolf Eichmann.
Film Review: Not Quite the Mind Screw I Hoped For
For a movie that’s all about levels, “Inception” seemed to be a layer too thin.
Film Review: ‘Hot Tub’ Oddly Warm
While definitely not great, “Hot Tub Time Machine” is surprisingly not awful either.
Book Review: Otherworldly Wonderful
This young adult fantasy novel shows that books for this age can be as wonderful as anything for adults.
Film Review: The Theory of Nothing
Terry Gilliam gives us another deeply complex movie – this time about math.
Film Review: Too Much Bark, Not Enough Bite
This werewolf movie proves that there’s nothing new under the moon.