Tag: review
Film Review: A Quiet Journey Into the Past
This is a quiet movie that works very subtly.
Theatre Review: “Who is the Lunatic Here?”
We hear the deep ones at The Visceral Company.
Cinecast Review: “Birdemic” is Only Watchable via RiffTrax
The best part of RiffTrax’s live screening of “Birdemic” was actually seeing them do it.
Book Review: Your Future is More Than Your Career
This book is no job-hunting guide, but rather a way to find your place in the world.
Review: X Marks the Spot
Red X is the kind of place that sounds too odd to be true.
Film Review: Puts the Fun in Dysfunctional Family
The movie version of “August: Osage County” gives its cast (especially Streep) a chance to shine.
Film Review: I Love You, “I Love You, Phillip Morris”
I was pleasantly impressed by this surprisingly sweet romantic comedy.
Book Review: Breaking Rules Heartily Recommended
This management book, despite being published in 1999, is still highly relevant and worth reading.
Theatre Review: Hauntingly Good
Are you ready for some old fashioned scares?
Theatre Review: Bloody Brilliant
The Globe’s production of “Titus” is violent, heart-wrenching, and glorious.