Tag: review
Theatre Review: A Priest and a Nun Walk Onto a Stage ….
“Bad Habits” is a raunchy religious comedy that feels more like a sitcom than a play.
Read more at The Argonaut.
Film Review: ‘Knives Out’ is an Enjoyable Romp
The celebrity-filled whodunit is fun, if a bit weak in the plot. I review ‘Knives Out’.
Podcast Review: Finding Some ‘Lost Notes’
I review this music journalism podcast produced by KCRW.
Podcast Review: Reading For the Podcast World with LeVar Burton
You don’t have to take my word for it: this podcast is a must for any lover of literature.
Podcast Review: ‘Depression’ Can Be Funny
Is depression funny? I review the podcast hosted by John Moe that sets out to end the stigma against depression and other mental health issues.
Theatre Review: Portrait of the Pop Artist as a Young Man: ‘Andy Warhol’s Tomato’ Imagines a Defining Moment in the Development of an American Icon
Andy Warhol is one of those artists whose reputation is bigger than life. His persona is so legendary, it’s hard to imagine who he was before he was “Warhol.”
Read more at The Argonaut.
Theatre Review: “Everybody’s Somebody’s Child.”: The Trauma of Racism Haunts Rogue Machine’s Powerful “Gunshot Medley”
Rogue Machine’s revival of Gunshot Medley: Part 1 is a haunting look at how the ghosts of racism are not — and have never been — fully buried.
Read more at The Argonaut.
Film Review: ‘Hail Satan?’ is Damned Decent
This documentary delves into the history and the mission of the religious and political group The Satanic Temple.
Film Review: Invoking Macbeth
Superstitions create appropriate horror about this meta horror comedy.
Review & Interviews: Queen Mary Dark Harbor is an Event Not to Miss
The Queen Mary is known to be haunted. So of course they excel at a Halloween attraction.