Tag: review
TV Review: Humor Attacks ‘The X-Files’
“The X-Files” does its first humor episode for the reboot / season 10, and – for the most part – it’s a howl … well, if lizards howled.
TV Recap: Waiting for ‘The X-Files’ to Mutate
It’s all in the genes in this episode of “The X-Files” about mutations.
TV Recap: We Come Back to ‘The X-Files’
The gang gets back together in search of the real government conspiracy on the first episode of the revived “X-Files”.
TV Review: Sherlock-ception
In the “Sherlock” Christmas special, we get layers upon layers in this character study of an episode.
Film Review: Mything ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’
The world of “Star Wars” is all about myth, and “The Force Awakens” continues that trend.
Theatre Review: Alternate Dimension Musical
How much of your life is based off one decision?
Film Review: All the Feels
Pixar gives us all the feels in their story about our emotions.
TV Recap: ‘Ash Vs Evil Dead’: So Wrong it’s Right
The pilot episode of ‘Ash Vv Evil Dead’ is the perfect combination of nostalgia and gorn, making it just bad enough to be good.
Performance Art Review: Scaring People Straight
This performance piece takes down LGBT stereotypes and throws in a bit of history at the same time.
Cinecast Review: ‘It Reserved Some Quantity of Choice’
The production of “Hamlet” is all about choice.