Tag: television
MST3K to Partner with Dark Horse Comics
In the Not-Too-Distant Future, Dark Horse Reveals a Partnership With ‘MST3K’.
What I Had Hoped to Get from ‘Sherlock’
All fans have expectations. Here are some of the things (silly and more serious) I had hoped we would see in ‘Sherlock’.
G33K Out: WonderCon 2016 — Streaming Success Panel
I talked to some of the panelists of “Streaming Success” at WonderCon 2016 about some of the behind the scenes elements.
TV Review: ‘Problem’ is Aptly Named
The last episode of series 4 of ‘Sherlock’ (and maybe the show overall) was not a masterpiece. (SPOILERS)
‘Man at Arms’ Coming to the El Rey Network
Geeky weapons become real on ‘Man at Arms’ – and is coming to the El Rey Network.
‘Quantum Leap’ DVD/Blu-ray Release
Oh, boy! ‘Quantum Leap’ is set for a new re-release on DVD and a brand new release on Blu-ray.
TV Review: This ‘Detective’ Isn’t the Only Liar
The second episode of the fourth series of ‘Sherlock’ is on the surface excellent television. Is it just a lie? (SPOILERS AND SPECULATION)
TV Review: Looking back at ‘Leverage’ – Let’s Go Steal Us a TV Show
Let’s go steal us a fandom. I revisit the television show ‘Leverage’.
TV Review: ‘Six Thatchers’ Needs a Deeper Look
“Sherlock” returns, with an episode that (hopefully) isn’t all that it seems. (SPOILERS & SPECULATION)
G33K Out: Cinematographer Jimmy Matlosz
In this episode of G33K Out, I interview cinematographer Jimmy Matlosz.