posters for 'We Are', 'Not Me', 'Quantum Leap' (1989 version), 'The X-Files', 'The Lone Gunmen', and 'The Owl House'. Text below reads 'Post Election Binge Watch'

What We’re Watching in This Post-Election Hellscape

We here at the Geekiary have been quite rattled by the results of the US Presidential Election. We are, and always have been, a space that enthusiastically highlights content by, for, and about marginalized groups. Most of us are part of one or more of these groups and have very real fears about what the Trump presidency could bring for us and others who may get crushed under their policies.

I didn’t write this, but I did help contribute to it. Read the full article at The Geekiary.

three women, dressed in black outfits and wearing white makeup, pose with trick or treat containers

Midsummer Scream 2024: A Scary Good Time

Known as the world’s largest Halloween and horror convention, Midsummer Scream unfolded July 26 – 28, 2024, in Long Beach, California. With over 350 spooky vendors, presentations, and previews from SoCal’s biggest Halloween attractions, and a room with over a dozen haunts to experience, the convention is the place to be if you love to be frightened. Read the full article at The Geekiary.