G33K Out: Victoria Male — 1/2 Your Biggest Fangirl
Fangirling is an art. I talk to one of the women behind the podcast Your Biggest Fangirl, Victoria Male.
G33K Out: Geek Girls Part 2 — Sora Reyes
My second episode in my series on women in the geek world, an interview with Baker Street Babe Sora Reyes.
G33K Out: Hansi Oppenheimer and the Squee Project
If you are in fandom, you probably have heard the term fangirl. And fangirls squee. Hansi Oppenheimer has started a documentary project on the concept. So of course I had to interview her.
Spotlight: marsha morgan – the lowercase ‘m’ is not an e.e. cummings fixation
marsha morgan has been fascinated by theatre ever since seeing Haley Mills on the big screen when she was nine years old
Acting Above and Beyond Prejudice
In 2004, I wrote an article about the Park Theatre class “Acting Beyond Prejudice”, co-created by marsha morgan.
G33K Out: Composer Aaron Guzzo and the Tesla Musical
Nikola Tesla is a larger than life figure from history. Of course composer Aaron Guzzo had to do a musical based on his life.
Film Review: Invoking Macbeth
Superstitions create appropriate horror about this meta horror comedy.
Review & Interviews: Queen Mary Dark Harbor is an Event Not to Miss
The Queen Mary is known to be haunted. So of course they excel at a Halloween attraction.
Film Review: Shirley Jackson Is Surprisingly Relevant
The movie adaptation of Shirley Jackson’s final novel is — unfortunately — horrifyingly still relevant.
G33K Out: Roundtable — Star Wars Fandom
There’s been a lot of hubub about the toxicity of the ‘Star Wars’ fandom. So, I got together with some women to discuss the female perspective on the issue.