TV Review: Sherlock-ception
In the “Sherlock” Christmas special, we get layers upon layers in this character study of an episode.
Echo Chamber: Discussing & Reviewing ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’
I joined this episode of SciFi4Me’s “Echo Chamber” wherein we talked about “The Force Awakens”.
G33K Out: Target’s Share the Force Event
I went to the Share the Force event at LA Live, sponsored by Target, held in December 2015.
Film Review: Mything ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’
The world of “Star Wars” is all about myth, and “The Force Awakens” continues that trend.
ICYMI: MST3K Kickstarts Revival
MST3K is attempting a comeback!
Preparing to Reopen ‘The X-Files’
In 1993, The X-Files premiered on Fox and changed everything.
Big Finish Tackles ‘Dracula’
Mark Gatiss will be starring as the titular character in a audiobook dramatisation of ‘Dracula’.
High School Contest to Build and Launch Spacecraft
If you’re a high school student, then you are eligible for a contest to build a spacecraft that may end up be used by NASA.
Theatre Review: Alternate Dimension Musical
How much of your life is based off one decision?
Film Review: All the Feels
Pixar gives us all the feels in their story about our emotions.