Miracle Workers: End Times Season Review
I’m reviewing Miracle Workers: End Times for The Geekiary.
It’s the end of the world as we know it, and Daniel Radcliffe feels fine. Read 4×1 & 4×2 Review: ‘Welcome to Boomtown’ and ‘The HOA’ here.
The problems of the world are just the same as today despite it being post-apocalypse. Read 4×3 & 4×4 Review: ‘The Matrixxx’ and ‘The Grouping Ceremony’ here.
Alrighty then. Jim Carrey gets the Shakespeare treatment and robot friendship is tested. Read 4×5 Review: ‘Jim Carrey in the Park’ here.
There are two sides to every story, and we see how the other half live in Miracle Workers season 4 episode 6 ‘Olympus’. Read 4×6 Review: ‘Olympus’ here.
Respect is the common denominator in the two plots that make up this week’s episode of Miracle Workers. Read 4×7 Review: ‘Roland Proudheart’ here.
There’s a two-parter that deals with children and the robot uprising and is hampered by odd choices of themes. Read 4×8 Review: ‘Children of Women’ & 4×9 Review: ‘John Christ’ here.
The end is nigh and the robot uprising is here in the last episode of this season of Miracle Workers. Read 4×10: ‘The End’ here.